Characters look through the living quarters of a female colleague who died in search of her vibrator. A parrot is fond of repeating profanity-filled one-liners, and there's smoking and drinking. Some profanity, including "f-k" and variations. As bad as the movie is overall, some of these shark attacks are surprising and might be too much for more sensitive viewers.

Sharks are harpooned and electrocuted to death. Characters are chewed in half before they're killed. One character has his arm chewed off by a shark below the shoulder what remains gushes blood. While the special effects of the sharks attacking and killing is '90s CGI at its worst, the violence is still gruesome and bloody.

Parents need to know that Deep Blue Sea is a 1999 action/horror movie in which sharks who have been genetically modified to have smarter brains to cure Alzheimer's go on a rampage.